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ID предмета: 10400

Name RU: Жезл оставленных надежд
Name EN: Rod of Forsaken Futures
Can tradable
Need level: 60
For classes: Mystic

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10112 icon Balance Lever 60 No
10200 icon Bane of Zuras 60 No
10272 icon Justicar's Gavel 60 No
10344 icon Irkiensis 60 No
10456 icon Fool's Wand 60 No
10496 icon Impatience 60 No
10536 icon Darkwynd 60 No
10824 icon Skyreach Scepter 57 No
11576 icon Scepter of the Titans 58 No
11584 icon Wrath of Lyssarath 56 No