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ID предмета: 139268

Name RU: Топор вернувшегося героя
Name EN: Returning Hero's Axe
Can't tradable
Need level: 55
Period: 15d.
For classes: Berserk

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
138076 icon Returning Hero's Weapon Set 1 No
ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
12012 icon Val Tirkai Centurion's Ceremonial Axe 60 No
12276 icon Websplitter 27 No
12540 icon Val Elenium Tribune's Ceremonial Axe 50 No
19171 icon Whisperstopper 60 No
71385 icon Axe of the Jax 60 No
71516 icon Sunset 60 No
80013 icon Dawnbreak 60 No
110063 icon 60 30d.
139279 icon [Time-limited] Laphelate Axe 60 7d.