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ID предмета: 16115

Name RU: Благородные наручи дворянина из шетлы
Name EN: Attuned Shetlasleeves of the Gentry
Can dyeable
Can tradable
Need level: 40
For classes: Sorcerer, Priest, Mystic, Ninja

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
13484 icon Crafted Frigh Sleeves 20 No
16016 icon Shetlasleeves of the Gentry 40 No
16160 icon Verdracloth Sleeves 20 No
16241 icon Attuned Verdracloth Sleeves 20 No
17150 icon Poporia Decurion's Sleeves 27 No
30679 icon 테스트방어구_로브_장갑_성능레벨40 40 No