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ID предмета: 18443

Name RU: Перчатки забытой мудрости
Name EN: Hands of Time-Lost Wisdom
Can dyeable
Can't tradable
Need level: 58
For classes: Warrior, Slayer, Archer, Valkyrie

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
15104 icon Flame-Stitched Gloves 54 No
15203 icon Broker's Gloves 54 No
15284 icon Twilit Bracers 54 No
15365 icon Bullseye Bracers 54 No
15536 icon Vanguard's Gloves 54 No
15581 icon Diligent Hands 54 No
16463 icon Goldgrain Gloves of Eternity 50 No
16508 icon Attuned Goldgrain Gloves of Eternity 50 No