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icon icon
ID предмета: 252073

Name RU: Особая пушка героя Арбореи
Name EN: Winged Arcannon of the Moon
Can't tradable
For classes: Gunner

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
252072 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 No
252074 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 3d.
252075 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 7d.
252076 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 7d.
252077 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 14d.
252078 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 30d.
252079 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 30d.
252080 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 No
252081 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 No
252082 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 No
252083 icon Winged Arcannon of the Moon 1 No