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ID предмета: 30848

Name RU: 테스트방어구_로브_슈트_성능레벨50
Name EN: 테스트방어구_로브_슈트_성능레벨50
Can dyeable
Can tradable
Need level: 50
For classes: Sorcerer, Priest, Mystic, Ninja

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
15727 icon Justicar's Robes 30 No
16033 icon Toiracloth Tunic of Second Shadows 50 No
16132 icon Attuned Toiracloth Tunic of Second Shadows 50 No
16177 icon Stargazer's Verdrarobes 30 No
16258 icon Attuned Stargazer's Verdrarobes 30 No
17167 icon Val Aureum Decurion's Robe 37 No
17734 icon Robes of the Brute 50 No
17743 icon Robes of the Pursuer 50 No