View item:

icon icon
ID предмета: 51050

Name RU: Венок из маргариток (30 дней)
Name EN: Crown of Petals
Can't tradable
Period: 30d.

ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
51043 icon Crown of Petals 1 No
51044 icon Crown of Petals 1 No
51045 icon Crown of Petals 1 3d.
51046 icon Crown of Petals 1 7d.
51047 icon Crown of Petals 1 7d.
51048 icon Crown of Petals 1 14d.
51049 icon Crown of Petals 1 30d.
51051 icon Crown of Petals 1 No
51052 icon Crown of Petals 1 No
51053 icon Crown of Petals 1 No
51054 icon Crown of Petals 1 No