ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16007 icon Inky Shetlacloth Handguards 35 No
16008 icon Shetlalined Deepshoes 35 No
16009 icon Norsteel Hauberk of Purpose 40 No
16010 icon Normail Pointers 40 No
16011 icon Wanderer's Nortreads 40 No
16012 icon Marleather Oculvest 40 No
16013 icon Glistening Marskin Gloves 40 No
16014 icon Marleather Boots of Tears 40 No
16015 icon Noble Shetlacloth Robes 40 No
16016 icon Shetlasleeves of the Gentry 40 No
16017 icon Manor Slippers 40 No
16018 icon Shadsteel Breastplate of Closing 45 No
16019 icon Scintillating Shadmail Gauntlets 45 No
16020 icon Demi-Greaves of Shadsteel 45 No
16021 icon Hemeleather Cuirass of the Warm Wind 45 No
16022 icon Chevral Hemeleather Gloves 45 No
16023 icon Bright Chevral Boots 45 No
16024 icon Diamondpierced Toirarobe 45 No
16025 icon Vivid Toiracloth Wraps 45 No
16026 icon Striking Toirastockings 45 No
16027 icon Soulreft Shadmail Hauberk 50 No
16028 icon Layered Shadsteel Gauntlets 50 No
16029 icon Shadmail Greaves of Grieving 50 No
16030 icon Bloodhide Webgrapple Cuirass 50 No
16031 icon Trapper's Gloves of Bloodhide 50 No
16032 icon Bloodhide Hunting Boots 50 No
16033 icon Toiracloth Tunic of Second Shadows 50 No
16034 icon Sonorous Umbral Toirasleeves 50 No
16035 icon Light Slippers of Darkness 50 No
16036 icon Sunroar Xersteel Hauberk 52 No
16037 icon Prideful Xermail Gauntlets 52 No
16038 icon Clawed Xersteel Greaves 52 No
16039 icon Embossed Telsonic Cerevest 52 No
16040 icon Cereleather Fanglaced Gloves 52 No
16041 icon Turnfang Cereleather Boots 52 No
16042 icon Midnight Faeriewake Robes 52 No
16043 icon Luriacloth Sleeves of the Dark 52 No
16044 icon Moonkist Slippers 52 No
16045 icon Bloodroar Xermail Chestpiece 54 No
16046 icon Sanguine Talon Gauntlets 54 No
16047 icon Tinged Xersteel Greaves 54 No
16048 icon Telsonic Gravehide Jerkin 54 No
16049 icon Venom-Dyed Gloves 54 No
16050 icon Venombane Cereboots 54 No
16051 icon Faeriewake Robes of Dawning 54 No
16052 icon Luriasleeves of Twilight 54 No
16053 icon Luria Duskslippers 54 No
16054 icon Attuned Velika Krymail 10 No
16055 icon Attuned Keener's Early Gauntlets 10 No
16056 icon Attuned Simple Krysteel Greaves 10 No