ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16057 icon Attuned Dawnturn Jacket 10 No
16058 icon Attuned Zalis Burying Gloves 10 No
16059 icon Attuned Tooled Zalisleather Boots 10 No
16060 icon Attuned Airy Verdracloth Tunic 10 No
16061 icon Attuned Verdracloth Skywraps 10 No
16062 icon Attuned Verdralined Shoes 10 No
16063 icon Attuned Dark Krymail Hauberk 15 No
16064 icon Attuned Cityslicker Gauntlets 15 No
16065 icon Attuned Krysteel Cobblekickers 15 No
16066 icon Attuned Scratchturn Zaliswrap 15 No
16067 icon Attuned Dawnwatch Gloves 15 No
16068 icon Attuned Thornrunners 15 No
16069 icon Attuned Studded Verdracloth Vesture 15 No
16070 icon Attuned Sunned Verdrasleeves 15 No
16071 icon Attuned Slippers of Layered Verdracloth 15 No
16072 icon Attuned Bloodchambered Krymail 20 No
16073 icon Attuned Sanguine Sea Gauntlets 20 No
16074 icon Attuned Krymail Footcasings 20 No
16075 icon Attuned Imbricated Zalisjerkin 20 No
16076 icon Attuned Earthturner's Zalisleather Gloves 20 No
16077 icon Attuned Zalisleather Dawntreaders 20 No
16078 icon Attuned Verdracowl Vesture 20 No
16079 icon Attuned Generous Verdragrips 20 No
16080 icon Attuned Sunstreaked Shoes 20 No
16081 icon Attuned Linsteel Chestguard of Remembrance 25 No
16082 icon Attuned Linmail Gauntlets of Precision 25 No
16083 icon Attuned Traveler's Linsole Greaves 25 No
16084 icon Attuned Cuirass of Stormy Seas 25 No
16085 icon Attuned Boscleather Stormgloves 25 No
16086 icon Attuned Boots of Floodguard 25 No
16087 icon Attuned Autumn Sylvacloth Motley 25 No
16088 icon Attuned Sylvaleaf Handwraps 25 No
16089 icon Attuned Sylvacloth Understory Protectors 25 No
16090 icon Attuned Dichroma Linmail Hauberk 30 No
16091 icon Attuned Deathblow Gauntlets 30 No
16092 icon Attuned Indefatiguable Linmail Greaves 30 No
16093 icon Attuned Boscstorm Jerkin 30 No
16094 icon Attuned Boscleather Thresher's Gloves 30 No
16095 icon Attuned Greenhide Rootrunners 30 No
16096 icon Attuned Bleached Sylvacloth Motley 30 No
16097 icon Attuned Inside-Out Handwrap Linings 30 No
16098 icon Attuned Shoes of Light Steps 30 No
16099 icon Attuned Nadir's Edge Norplate 35 No
16100 icon Attuned Inky Norsteel Grasps 35 No
16101 icon Attuned Norsteel Nightwalkers 35 No
16102 icon Attuned Moonbuckled Marleather Cuirass 35 No
16103 icon Attuned Banded Margloves 35 No
16104 icon Attuned Wily Marsteppers 35 No
16105 icon Attuned Thistlebreeze Shetlacloth Robe 35 No
16106 icon Attuned Inky Shetlacloth Handguards 35 No