ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16107 icon Attuned Shetlalined Deepshoes 35 No
16108 icon Attuned Norsteel Hauberk of Purpose 40 No
16109 icon Attuned Normail Pointers 40 No
16110 icon Attuned Wanderer's Nortreads 40 No
16111 icon Attuned Marleather Oculvest 40 No
16112 icon Attuned Glistening Marskin Gloves 40 No
16113 icon Attuned Marleather Boots of Tears 40 No
16114 icon Attuned Noble Shetlacloth Robes 40 No
16115 icon Attuned Shetlasleeves of the Gentry 40 No
16116 icon Attuned Manor Slippers 40 No
16117 icon Attuned Shadsteel Breastplate of Closing 45 No
16118 icon Attuned Scintillating Shadmail Gauntlets 45 No
16119 icon Attuned Demi-Greaves of Shadsteel 45 No
16120 icon Attuned Hemeleather Cuirass of the Warm Wind 45 No
16121 icon Attuned Chevral Hemeleather Gloves 45 No
16122 icon Attuned Bright Chevral Boots 45 No
16123 icon Attuned Diamondpierced Toirarobe 45 No
16124 icon Attuned Vivid Toiracloth Wraps 45 No
16125 icon Attuned Striking Toirastockings 45 No
16126 icon Attuned Soulreft Shadmail Hauberk 50 No
16127 icon Attuned Layered Shadsteel Gauntlets 50 No
16128 icon Attuned Shadmail Greaves of Grieving 50 No
16129 icon Attuned Bloodhide Webgrapple Cuirass 50 No
16130 icon Attuned Trapper's Gloves of Bloodhide 50 No
16131 icon Attuned Bloodhide Hunting Boots 50 No
16132 icon Attuned Toiracloth Tunic of Second Shadows 50 No
16133 icon Attuned Sonorous Umbral Toirasleeves 50 No
16134 icon Attuned Light Slippers of Darkness 50 No
16135 icon Attuned Sunroar Xersteel Hauberk 52 No
16136 icon Attuned Prideful Xermail Gauntlets 52 No
16137 icon Attuned Clawed Xersteel Greaves 52 No
16138 icon Attuned Embossed Telsonic Cerevest 52 No
16139 icon Attuned Cereleather Fanglaced Gloves 52 No
16140 icon Attuned Turnfang Cereleather Boots 52 No
16141 icon Attuned Midnight Faeriewake Robes 52 No
16142 icon Attuned Luriacloth Sleeves of the Dark 52 No
16143 icon Attuned Moonkist Slippers 52 No
16144 icon Attuned Bloodroar Xermail Chestpiece 54 No
16145 icon Attuned Sanguine Talon Gauntlets 54 No
16146 icon Attuned Tinged Xersteel Greaves 54 No
16147 icon Attuned Telsonic Gravehide Jerkin 54 No
16148 icon Attuned Venom-Dyed Gloves 54 No
16149 icon Attuned Venombane Cereboots 54 No
16150 icon Attuned Faeriewake Robes of Dawning 54 No
16151 icon Attuned Luriasleeves of Twilight 54 No
16152 icon Attuned Luria Duskslippers 54 No
16153 icon Krysteel Embellished Chestguard 20 No
16154 icon Krysteel Grips 20 No
16155 icon Journey Krytreads 20 No
16156 icon Seeker's Zalisvest 20 No