ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16157 icon Piercing Zalisleather Gloves 20 No
16158 icon Zalisboots of Portals 20 No
16159 icon Arcanist's Verdracloth Robes 20 No
16160 icon Verdracloth Sleeves 20 No
16161 icon Verdracloth Anklet 20 No
16162 icon Anodized Krysteel Hauberk 25 No
16163 icon Tempered Gauntlets 25 No
16164 icon Lasting Tempered Greaves 25 No
16165 icon Zalisleather Zephyr Cuirass 25 No
16166 icon Gloves of Early Breezes 25 No
16167 icon Dawnwind Chasers 25 No
16168 icon Diamondpierced Verdracloth Robe 25 No
16169 icon Thin Verdracloth Sleeves 25 No
16170 icon Verdrapaneled Heels 25 No
16171 icon Intimidating Krysteel Hauberk 30 No
16172 icon Krymail Gauntlets 30 No
16173 icon Stalwart Krytreads 30 No
16174 icon Deadly Jerkin of Zalisleather 30 No
16175 icon Zalisgloves of Feartending 30 No
16176 icon Zalis Webrunners 30 No
16177 icon Stargazer's Verdrarobes 30 No
16178 icon Twinklefingers 30 No
16179 icon Midnight Verdracloth Slippers 30 No
16180 icon Stoneroar Linsteel Chestpiece 35 No
16181 icon Linmail Gauntlets of Hard Feelings 35 No
16182 icon Stoney Greaves of the Collector 35 No
16183 icon Sanguine Telsonic Boscvest 35 No
16184 icon Heavy Insulated Potter's Gloves 35 No
16185 icon Aerated Boscleather Rockclimbers 35 No
16186 icon Stargazing Coattails of the Fey 35 No
16187 icon Darktouch Sylvawraps 35 No
16188 icon Quiltlined Shoes of Skypaths 35 No
16189 icon Heartroar Linsteel Hauberk 40 No
16190 icon Linmail Grasps of the Heart's Call 40 No
16191 icon Linsteel Heartstompers 40 No
16192 icon Telsonic Boscleather Seavest 40 No
16193 icon Dress Mariner's Gloves 40 No
16194 icon Waterproofed Boscleather Seaboots 40 No
16195 icon Dancing Faeire Sylvacloth Robes 40 No
16196 icon Feywrapped Sylvasleeves 40 No
16197 icon Beautiful Iridescent Shoes 40 No
16198 icon Blackened Normail of the West 45 No
16199 icon Brash Hammered Gauntlets 45 No
16200 icon Norsteel Pathmakers 45 No
16201 icon Seaside Marleather Jerkin 45 No
16202 icon Raspy Marleather Grips 45 No
16203 icon Marleather Seakickers 45 No
16204 icon Thick Bloodkist Shetlacord Robe 45 No
16205 icon Padded Shetlacloth Handwraps 45 No
16206 icon Softtreads of the Tenderheart 45 No