ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10632 icon Scepter of Wrath 24 No
10633 icon Rend & Sunder 27 No
10634 icon Great Stake 27 No
10635 icon Vampir Slayer 27 No
10636 icon Vampir Cleaver 27 No
10637 icon Eye of the Vampir 27 No
10638 icon Stake Driver 27 No
10639 icon Staff of the Vampir 27 No
10640 icon Vampir's Cane 27 No
10641 icon Suspicion & Speculation 30 No
10642 icon Betrayal Defense 30 No
10643 icon Deceit Shredder 30 No
10644 icon Punisher of Betrayal 30 No
10645 icon Turn of Deceit 30 No
10646 icon Deception Piercer 30 No
10647 icon Deluminating Greatstaff 30 No
10648 icon Scepter of Grievous Deceit 30 No
10649 icon Turn Left & Twist Right 33 No
10650 icon Labyrinth Wall 33 No
10651 icon Greatsword of the Labyrinth 33 No
10652 icon Axe of the Labyrinth 33 No
10653 icon Heart of the Labyrinth 33 No
10654 icon Arc of the Labyrinth 33 No
10655 icon Branch of the Labyrinth 33 No
10656 icon Labyrinth Scepter 33 No
10657 icon Slash & Burn 36 No
10658 icon Firewing Blockade 36 No
10659 icon Firesweep 36 No
10660 icon Firestop Hatchet 36 No
10661 icon Fire Flue 36 No
10662 icon Cindershooter 36 No
10663 icon Unkindle 36 No
10664 icon Untinder 36 No
10665 icon Life & Limb 39 No
10666 icon Lance Set of the Forester 39 No
10667 icon Forester's Scythe 39 No
10668 icon Forester's Timberaxe 39 No
10669 icon Lens of the Forester 39 No
10670 icon Forester's Longbow 39 No
10671 icon Forest Branch 39 No
10672 icon Forest Limb 39 No
10673 icon Red Wire & Blue Wire 19 No
10674 icon Bomb Shelter 19 No
10675 icon Bomb Squad Knife 19 No
10676 icon Bomb Squad Ax 19 No
10677 icon Bomb Squad Lens 19 No
10678 icon Remote Trigger 19 No
10679 icon Bomb Squad Pole 19 No
10680 icon Bomb Fuse 19 No
10681 icon Rip & Tear 24 No