ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10988 icon Attuned Blood-kissed Norsteel Axeblade 40 No
10996 icon Attuned Shadsteel Iceaxe 45 No
11004 icon Attuned Rager's Great Axe with Shadsteel Bands 50 No
11012 icon Attuned Darkened Xersteel Axe 52 No
11020 icon Attuned Runed Xersteel Greataxe 54 No
11028 icon Honed Krysteel Axe 20 No
11036 icon Wrathful Linsteel Greataxe 25 No
11044 icon Hammered Linsteel War Axe 30 No
11052 icon Tooled Norsteel Hunting Axe 35 No
11060 icon Honed Norsteel Axe 40 No
11068 icon Fullered Shadsteel Hatchet 45 No
11076 icon Fiery Shadsteel Axeblade 50 No
11084 icon Weighty Axe of Storms 52 No
11092 icon Banded Xersteel Battle Axe 54 No
11100 icon Attuned Honed Krysteel Axe 20 No
11108 icon Attuned Wrathful Linsteel Greataxe 25 No
11116 icon Attuned Hammered Linsteel War Axe 30 No
11124 icon Attuned Tooled Norsteel Hunting Axe 35 No
11132 icon Attuned Honed Norsteel Axe 40 No
11140 icon Attuned Fullered Shadsteel Hatchet 45 No
11148 icon Attuned Fiery Shadsteel Axeblade 50 No
11156 icon Attuned Weighty Axe of Storms 52 No
11164 icon Attuned Banded Xersteel Battle Axe 54 No
11172 icon Windcleaver 30 No
11180 icon Serrated Axe of Cleaving 35 No
11188 icon Forged Norsteel Waraxe 40 No
11196 icon Tooled Shadsteel Axe 45 No
11204 icon Raging Axe of Tempered Shadsteel 50 No
11212 icon Xersteel Thunderaxe 52 No
11220 icon Fire-Licked Xersteel Axe 54 No
11228 icon Attuned Windcleaver 30 No
11236 icon Attuned Serrated Axe of Cleaving 35 No
11244 icon Attuned Forged Norsteel Waraxe 40 No
11252 icon Attuned Tooled Shadsteel Axe 45 No
11260 icon Attuned Raging Axe of Tempered Shadsteel 50 No
11268 icon Attuned Xersteel Thunderaxe 52 No
11276 icon Attuned Fire-Licked Xersteel Axe 54 No
11284 icon Axe of Fury 40 No
11292 icon Shadruned Glaive 45 No
11300 icon Weighty Shadowaxe 50 No
11308 icon Thundersteel Waraxe 52 No
11316 icon Climbing Axe 54 No
11324 icon Attuned Axe of Fury 40 No
11332 icon Attuned Shadruned Glaive 45 No
11340 icon Attuned Weighty Shadowaxe 50 No
11348 icon Attuned Thundersteel Waraxe 52 No
11356 icon Attuned Climbing Axe 54 No
11364 icon Spiritchopper 13 No
11372 icon Gentle Persuader 19 No
11380 icon Hairsplitter 27 No