ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16000 icon Nadir's Edge Norplate 35 No
16009 icon Norsteel Hauberk of Purpose 40 No
16018 icon Shadsteel Breastplate of Closing 45 No
16027 icon Soulreft Shadmail Hauberk 50 No
16036 icon Sunroar Xersteel Hauberk 52 No
16045 icon Bloodroar Xermail Chestpiece 54 No
16054 icon Attuned Velika Krymail 10 No
16063 icon Attuned Dark Krymail Hauberk 15 No
16072 icon Attuned Bloodchambered Krymail 20 No
16081 icon Attuned Linsteel Chestguard of Remembrance 25 No
16090 icon Attuned Dichroma Linmail Hauberk 30 No
16099 icon Attuned Nadir's Edge Norplate 35 No
16108 icon Attuned Norsteel Hauberk of Purpose 40 No
16117 icon Attuned Shadsteel Breastplate of Closing 45 No
16126 icon Attuned Soulreft Shadmail Hauberk 50 No
16135 icon Attuned Sunroar Xersteel Hauberk 52 No
16144 icon Attuned Bloodroar Xermail Chestpiece 54 No
16153 icon Krysteel Embellished Chestguard 20 No
16162 icon Anodized Krysteel Hauberk 25 No
16171 icon Intimidating Krysteel Hauberk 30 No
16180 icon Stoneroar Linsteel Chestpiece 35 No
16189 icon Heartroar Linsteel Hauberk 40 No
16198 icon Blackened Normail of the West 45 No
16207 icon Capric Shadow Hauberk 50 No
16216 icon Navigator's Shadsteel Breastplate 52 No
16225 icon Embellished Xersteel Bladearmor 54 No
16234 icon Attuned Krysteel Embellished Chestguard 20 No
16243 icon Attuned Anodized Krysteel Hauberk 25 No
16252 icon Attuned Intimidating Krysteel Hauberk 30 No
16261 icon Attuned Stoneroar Linsteel Chestpiece 35 No
16270 icon Attuned Heartroar Linsteel Hauberk 40 No
16279 icon Attuned Blackened Normail of the West 45 No
16288 icon Attuned Capric Shadow Hauberk 50 No
16297 icon Attuned Navigator's Shadsteel Breastplate 52 No
16306 icon Attuned Embellished Xersteel Bladearmor 54 No
16315 icon Linsteel Hauberk of the Capricious 30 No
16324 icon Codex-bound Norsteel Hauberk 35 No
16333 icon Hauberk of Lofty Ambitions 40 No
16342 icon Brilliant Foldsteel Chestpiece 45 No
16351 icon Hammered Shadsteel Hauberk 50 No
16360 icon Pauldroned Xersteel Breastplate 52 No
16369 icon Tenebrescent Highcollar Hauberk 54 No
16378 icon Attuned Linsteel Hauberk of the Capricious 30 No
16387 icon Attuned Codex-bound Norsteel Hauberk 35 No
16396 icon Attuned Hauberk of Lofty Ambitions 40 No
16405 icon Attuned Brilliant Foldsteel Chestpiece 45 No
16414 icon Attuned Hammered Shadsteel Hauberk 50 No
16423 icon Attuned Pauldroned Xersteel Breastplate 52 No
16432 icon Attuned Tenebrescent Highcollar Hauberk 54 No
16441 icon Shadowfolded Norsteel Breastplate 40 No