ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16038 icon Clawed Xersteel Greaves 52 No
16047 icon Tinged Xersteel Greaves 54 No
16056 icon Attuned Simple Krysteel Greaves 10 No
16065 icon Attuned Krysteel Cobblekickers 15 No
16074 icon Attuned Krymail Footcasings 20 No
16083 icon Attuned Traveler's Linsole Greaves 25 No
16092 icon Attuned Indefatiguable Linmail Greaves 30 No
16101 icon Attuned Norsteel Nightwalkers 35 No
16110 icon Attuned Wanderer's Nortreads 40 No
16119 icon Attuned Demi-Greaves of Shadsteel 45 No
16128 icon Attuned Shadmail Greaves of Grieving 50 No
16137 icon Attuned Clawed Xersteel Greaves 52 No
16146 icon Attuned Tinged Xersteel Greaves 54 No
16155 icon Journey Krytreads 20 No
16164 icon Lasting Tempered Greaves 25 No
16173 icon Stalwart Krytreads 30 No
16182 icon Stoney Greaves of the Collector 35 No
16191 icon Linsteel Heartstompers 40 No
16200 icon Norsteel Pathmakers 45 No
16209 icon Oversized Norsteel Shadowstompers 50 No
16218 icon Crossroad Shadtreads 52 No
16227 icon Xersteel Downtreads 54 No
16236 icon Attuned Journey Krytreads 20 No
16245 icon Attuned Lasting Tempered Greaves 25 No
16254 icon Attuned Stalwart Krytreads 30 No
16263 icon Attuned Stoney Greaves of the Collector 35 No
16272 icon Attuned Linsteel Heartstompers 40 No
16281 icon Attuned Norsteel Pathmakers 45 No
16290 icon Attuned Oversized Norsteel Shadowstompers 50 No
16299 icon Attuned Crossroad Shadtreads 52 No
16308 icon Attuned Xersteel Downtreads 54 No
16317 icon Fancy Footwork Greaves 30 No
16326 icon Heavy Norsteel Greaves 35 No
16335 icon Grounded Normail Greaves 40 No
16344 icon Shadsteel Dodgers 45 No
16353 icon Delver's Shadow Greaves 50 No
16362 icon Bloodteared Xermail Greaves 52 No
16371 icon Well-oiled Xermail Greaves 54 No
16380 icon Attuned Fancy Footwork Greaves 30 No
16389 icon Attuned Heavy Norsteel Greaves 35 No
16398 icon Attuned Grounded Normail Greaves 40 No
16407 icon Attuned Shadsteel Dodgers 45 No
16416 icon Attuned Delver's Shadow Greaves 50 No
16425 icon Attuned Bloodteared Xermail Greaves 52 No
16434 icon Attuned Well-oiled Xermail Greaves 54 No
16443 icon Solferino Normail Treads 40 No
16452 icon Treads of the Turning Point 45 No
16461 icon Seastrike Greaves 50 No
16470 icon Greaves of Darkstrength 52 No
16479 icon Crucible Bloodtreads 54 No