ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10986 icon Attuned Heavy Abok Lancer's Set 40 No
10994 icon Attuned Protector's Massive Kayl Lance Set 45 No
11002 icon Attuned Hammered Shadsteel Set 50 No
11010 icon Attuned Shaped Olnea Lance Set 52 No
11018 icon Attuned Fire-Licked Olnea Lance Set 54 No
11026 icon Paron's Rokelance Set 20 No
11034 icon Reinforced Birn Lance Set 25 No
11042 icon Emblazoned Birn Lance Set 30 No
11050 icon Hammered Norsteel Set 35 No
11058 icon Lancer's Etched Norsteel Set 40 No
11066 icon Kayllance Set of the Amani 45 No
11074 icon Lancer's Fashionable Set 50 No
11082 icon Xerlance of the Stalwart 52 No
11090 icon Turned Olnea Lance Set 54 No
11098 icon Attuned Paron's Rokelance Set 20 No
11106 icon Attuned Reinforced Birn Lance Set 25 No
11114 icon Attuned Emblazoned Birn Lance Set 30 No
11122 icon Attuned Hammered Norsteel Set 35 No
11130 icon Attuned Lancer's Etched Norsteel Set 40 No
11138 icon Attuned Kayllance Set of the Amani 45 No
11146 icon Attuned Lancer's Fashionable Set 50 No
11154 icon Attuned Xerlance of the Stalwart 52 No
11162 icon Attuned Turned Olnea Lance Set 54 No
11170 icon Lancer's Hardened Linsteel Set 30 No
11178 icon Norsteel Guardian Lance Set 35 No
11186 icon Emblazoned Abok Lance Set 40 No
11194 icon Shad-clad Kayllance Set 45 No
11202 icon Shadsteel Guardian Set 50 No
11210 icon Lifesteward's Olnea Set 52 No
11218 icon Etched Xersteel Lance Set 54 No
11226 icon Attuned Lancer's Hardened Linsteel Set 30 No
11234 icon Attuned Norsteel Guardian Lance Set 35 No
11242 icon Attuned Emblazoned Abok Lance Set 40 No
11250 icon Attuned Shad-clad Kayllance Set 45 No
11258 icon Attuned Shadsteel Guardian Set 50 No
11266 icon Attuned Lifesteward's Olnea Set 52 No
11274 icon Attuned Etched Xersteel Lance Set 54 No
11282 icon Proctor's Runelance 40 No
11290 icon Eternal Guardian Set 45 No
11298 icon Shadowband Lance Set 50 No
11306 icon Lance of the Ancients 52 No
11314 icon First Knight's Lance 54 No
11322 icon Attuned Proctor's Runelance 40 No
11330 icon Attuned Eternal Guardian Set 45 No
11338 icon Attuned Shadowband Lance Set 50 No
11346 icon Attuned Lance of the Ancients 52 No
11354 icon Attuned First Knight's Lance 54 No
11362 icon Unicorn Barding 13 No
11370 icon Straight Setter 19 No
11378 icon Diligent Defense 27 No