ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10992 icon Attuned Scepter of Starry Nights 40 No
11000 icon Attuned Simple Cryosilex Scepter 45 No
11008 icon Attuned Gilded Frost-licked Rod 50 No
11016 icon Attuned Sparking Scepter 52 No
11024 icon Attuned Turgid Storm Rod 54 No
11032 icon Gilded Sunrod 20 No
11040 icon Wind Essence Scepter 25 No
11048 icon Runed Aerosilex Scepter 30 No
11056 icon Etched Astrorod 35 No
11064 icon Star-runed Scepter 40 No
11072 icon Ice-imbued Rod 45 No
11080 icon Scepter of Ice Crystals 50 No
11088 icon Scepter of Captured Lightning 52 No
11096 icon Weighty Galvarod 54 No
11104 icon Attuned Gilded Sunrod 20 No
11112 icon Attuned Wind Essence Scepter 25 No
11120 icon Attuned Runed Aerosilex Scepter 30 No
11128 icon Attuned Etched Astrorod 35 No
11136 icon Attuned Star-runed Scepter 40 No
11144 icon Attuned Ice-imbued Rod 45 No
11152 icon Attuned Scepter of Ice Crystals 50 No
11160 icon Attuned Scepter of Captured Lightning 52 No
11168 icon Attuned Weighty Galvarod 54 No
11176 icon Wand of Winds 30 No
11184 icon Mace of Constellations 35 No
11192 icon Star-crossed Wand 40 No
11200 icon Scepter of the Ice Queen 45 No
11208 icon Runed Cryosilex Scepter 50 No
11216 icon Emblazoned Storm Scepter 52 No
11224 icon Lightning Rod 54 No
11232 icon Attuned Wand of Winds 30 No
11240 icon Attuned Mace of Constellations 35 No
11248 icon Attuned Star-crossed Wand 40 No
11256 icon Attuned Scepter of the Ice Queen 45 No
11264 icon Attuned Runed Cryosilex Scepter 50 No
11272 icon Attuned Emblazoned Storm Scepter 52 No
11280 icon Attuned Lightning Rod 54 No
11288 icon Twisting Starwand 40 No
11296 icon Scepter of Frozen Gazes 45 No
11304 icon Icy Khatic Scepter 50 No
11312 icon Lightning-etched Rod 52 No
11320 icon Titan's Scepter 54 No
11328 icon Attuned Twisting Starwand 40 No
11336 icon Attuned Scepter of Frozen Gazes 45 No
11344 icon Attuned Icy Khatic Scepter 50 No
11352 icon Attuned Lightning-etched Rod 52 No
11360 icon Attuned Titan's Scepter 54 No
11368 icon Pixie Stick 13 No
11376 icon Rod of Absolute Insight 19 No
11384 icon Trifle of Whimsy 27 No