ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
10991 icon Attuned Staff of Divine Nights 40 No
10999 icon Attuned Frost-touched Kaylstaff 45 No
11007 icon Attuned Massive Cryostaff 50 No
11015 icon Attuned Wrapped Galvastaff 52 No
11023 icon Attuned Shocking Olnwood Staff 54 No
11031 icon Balder's Staff of Omnipresent Sun 20 No
11039 icon Turned Birnwood Aerostaff 25 No
11047 icon Windwalker's Staff 30 No
11055 icon Longstaff of Astrosilex 35 No
11063 icon Starkist Abok Staff 40 No
11071 icon Iceruned Pole 45 No
11079 icon Staff of Icy Essence 50 No
11087 icon Lightning-infused Staff 52 No
11095 icon Branch of Shocking Futures 54 No
11103 icon Balder's Attuned Staff of Omnipresent Sun 20 No
11111 icon Attuned Turned Birnwood Aerostaff 25 No
11119 icon Attuned Windwalker's Staff 30 No
11127 icon Attuned Longstaff of Astrosilex 35 No
11135 icon Attuned Starkist Abok Staff 40 No
11143 icon Attuned Iceruned Pole 45 No
11151 icon Attuned Staff of Icy Essence 50 No
11159 icon Attuned Lightning-infused Staff 52 No
11167 icon Attuned Branch of Shocking Futures 54 No
11175 icon Zenobia's Staff of Mighty Winds 30 No
11183 icon Stargazer's Staff 35 No
11191 icon Staff of Star Tracing 40 No
11199 icon Icetipped Staff 45 No
11207 icon Staff of Frozen Hearts 50 No
11215 icon Divine Lightning Stormstaff 52 No
11223 icon Seared Staff of Stormchasing 54 No
11231 icon Zenobia's Attuned Staff of Mighty Winds 30 No
11239 icon Attuned Stargazer's Staff 35 No
11247 icon Attuned Staff of Star Tracing 40 No
11255 icon Attuned Icetipped Staff 45 No
11263 icon Attuned Staff of Frozen Hearts 50 No
11271 icon Attuned Divine Lightning Stormstaff 52 No
11279 icon Attuned Seared Staff of Stormchasing 54 No
11287 icon Seren's Nightstaff 40 No
11295 icon Runed Icestaff 45 No
11303 icon Staff of Frosty Welcomes 50 No
11311 icon Thunderous Stormstaff 52 No
11319 icon Godspillar 54 No
11327 icon Seren's Attuned Nightstaff 40 No
11335 icon Attuned Runed Icestaff 45 No
11343 icon Attuned Staff of Frosty Welcomes 50 No
11351 icon Attuned Thunderous Stormstaff 52 No
11359 icon Attuned Godspillar 54 No
11367 icon Staff of Rowanna 13 No
11375 icon Staff of Quantum Vision 19 No
11383 icon Cursory Study 27 No