ID Icon Name Level Obtainable Tradable Period
16052 icon Luriasleeves of Twilight 54 No
16061 icon Attuned Verdracloth Skywraps 10 No
16070 icon Attuned Sunned Verdrasleeves 15 No
16079 icon Attuned Generous Verdragrips 20 No
16088 icon Attuned Sylvaleaf Handwraps 25 No
16097 icon Attuned Inside-Out Handwrap Linings 30 No
16106 icon Attuned Inky Shetlacloth Handguards 35 No
16115 icon Attuned Shetlasleeves of the Gentry 40 No
16124 icon Attuned Vivid Toiracloth Wraps 45 No
16133 icon Attuned Sonorous Umbral Toirasleeves 50 No
16142 icon Attuned Luriacloth Sleeves of the Dark 52 No
16151 icon Attuned Luriasleeves of Twilight 54 No
16160 icon Verdracloth Sleeves 20 No
16169 icon Thin Verdracloth Sleeves 25 No
16178 icon Twinklefingers 30 No
16187 icon Darktouch Sylvawraps 35 No
16196 icon Feywrapped Sylvasleeves 40 No
16205 icon Padded Shetlacloth Handwraps 45 No
16214 icon Shetlasleeves of the Deep 50 No
16223 icon Toira Lightfingers 52 No
16232 icon Warm Toira Handwraps 54 No
16241 icon Attuned Verdracloth Sleeves 20 No
16250 icon Attuned Thin Verdracloth Sleeves 25 No
16259 icon Attuned Twinklefingers 30 No
16268 icon Attuned Darktouch Sylvawraps 35 No
16277 icon Attuned Feywrapped Sylvasleeves 40 No
16286 icon Attuned Padded Shetlacloth Handwraps 45 No
16295 icon Attuned Shetlasleeves of the Deep 50 No
16304 icon Attuned Toira Lightfingers 52 No
16313 icon Attuned Warm Toira Handwraps 54 No
16322 icon Sylvasleeves of Nightfall 30 No
16331 icon Cutwork Shetlacloth Sleeves 35 No
16340 icon Luxurious Shetlacloth Snowsleeves 40 No
16349 icon Sleeves of Inky Depths 45 No
16358 icon Toirasleeves of Deep Rivers 50 No
16367 icon Dappleshine Luriacloth sleeves 52 No
16376 icon Skycaller Sleeves 54 No
16385 icon Attuned Sylvasleeves of Nightfall 30 No
16394 icon Attuned Cutwork Shetlacloth Sleeves 35 No
16403 icon Attuned Luxurious Shetlacloth Snowsleeves 40 No
16412 icon Attuned Sleeves of Inky Depths 45 No
16421 icon Attuned Toirasleeves of Deep Rivers 50 No
16430 icon Attuned Dappleshine Luriacloth sleeves 52 No
16439 icon Attuned Skycaller Sleeves 54 No
16448 icon Yauldrick Sleeves 40 No
16457 icon Shimmerlight Sleeves 45 No
16466 icon Creative Fingers 50 No
16475 icon Hands of Marked Intensity 52 No
16484 icon Heavenly Wristwraps 54 No
16493 icon Attuned Yauldrick Sleeves 40 No